Imagine never knowing the cause of death for a loved one.
Imagine having to live with an easily treated disease that no one can treat.
Imagine needing a C-Section with no available physician to assist, leading to permanent damage
Imagine needing a tetanus shot, but not having anywhere to go for one.
Imagine injuring your leg, but not knowing the extent of your injury.
Imagine your child being sick with no physician available to inform you why.
National Physician’s Week
The section above may be difficult to comprehend, but we live in the same world as individuals who experience those issues. Take the country Liberia, for example. For every 1 million people living in that country, there is only 14 physicians. Consequences like ones imagined above, are real for people living in multiple countries due to such a massive shortage of physicians. In June 2015, Kimberly Funches Jackson MD founded Physicians Working Together (PWT) and National Physicians Week. PWT’s mission is to CONNECT, COLLABORATE, and CARE for physicians, medical students, and communities. It’s organizations like these that we, as nonphysicians, should be thankful for. The PWT provides support to medical students directly from medical professionals.
Have We Done Enough as Citizens?
Organizations like the PWT are amazing to have available, but most organizations start due to a lack of something. A Non-profit like the PWT should encourage all of us to ask ourselves a question; have we done enough as citizens? It’s easy to schedule a visit with your physician, complete the visit, and simply be on your way. Did you take the time to thank them for all they have done for you?
It’s also easy to hear news coverage of healthcare staffing shortages and then simply change the channel because you don’t have much knowledge of the healthcare field. The reality is that the effects of the shortage has been impacting the United States for years and is only projected to continue tenfold. If this trend continues with no changes, then the realities that a country such as Liberia is facing will become our reality and not just imaginative scenarios.
What Can I Do This Week?
Spread awareness through social media using #NationalPhysiciansWeek and #PWT.
Donate to the PWT.
Provide donuts or some form of treats to a physician and possibly their staff.
Make a shout out or thank you video to your primary physician and post on your social media page.
Plan a Q&A session with your company and/or classroom featuring a physician.
If you have a primary physician, analyze your comfort level with them. More importantly, if you DON’T have a primary physician, it’s crucial to have one that you can trust. Click here to locate a physician close to you.
How Does VIP And Physicians Co-Exist?
Our company has maintained a close relationship to physicians in the 16 counties we service. Whenever a physician realizes their patient needs in-home care, they call us. From that point we can assist in multiple ways to make the transition happen. This could involve transportation to and from the physician’s office, a complimentary registration visit from our representative after returning home to discuss your needs, and assistance with answering any insurance related questions you may have. VIP America is happy to provide you with a list of insurances we accept. If you are wondering if an in-home caregiver is right for you, do not hesitate to ask your physician or give us a call at 772-220-6005. We will be more than happy to discuss all the available options with you.